10 Reasons to Learn Wing Chun Kung Fu and its Applications For Self Defense

Now a days, there are as many martial art schools and styles as as there are fast food places. Unlike a greasy burger which hits the spot in seconds, it takes several months to years to get the gist of what a martial art is about. So how do you know which one is the right one to learn FOR YOU?

Wing Chun Kung Fu was developed by two women over 300 years ago to be a highly effective form of combat and self defense able to deal with bigger, faster, and stronger assailants in any and all situations. Here are ten of the many reasons to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu and its applications for self defense.

  1. Reality-based, street tested, and appropriate for today’s world.
  2. Effective against bigger, stronger, and faster assailants.
  3. It works against unarmed and armed assailants.
  4. Works against single and multiple assailants.
  5. It works when you are prepared or surprised.
  6. Works any time and place. Works inside, outside, in the parking lot, woods, living room, bed room, gym, or office.
  7. It is concept based. So it simplifies your thinking, and you can apply it to new situations.
  8. It builds natural instincts and reactions.
  9. It develops situational awareness.
  10. Teaches you to fight for your life— physically, mentally, and spiritually.

There is no one size fits all for anything in life. Each person walks their own path. If this is what you are looking for in a martial art, then seek out Wing Chun Kung Fu.

Just my opinion…

SiFu James Sasitorn